Player 1 | Score | Player 2 | ||
The Fractured Flat is an abstract strategy game by James Ernest and Crab Fragment Labs, used by permission. A link to the rules can be found here (direct link to v1.5 rules implemented here).
Player one places BLUE markers and player two places RED markers. By default you are player one and the computer is player two, but that can be swapped when starting a new game.
When you hover over an open space where a marker can be placed, or over a marker that can be moved, it is highlighted in YELLOW. Click on a highlighted marker and the spaces it can move to will be outlined in YELLOW. Click on one of the outlined squares to make the move, or click on a different marker to see what moves it can make. Click on your marker pile below the map to outline in YELLOW all of the open spaces where a marker can be placed.
After you move, the computer will "think" and then make its move. The computer's move will be highligted with a dashed BLACK outline.
The computer uses JSMCTS, a javascript implementation of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) that runs in the browser, to select a move. It displays the moves it is evaluating and what percentage of the time those moves lead to a win. The number of trials it runs and the amount of time it has to run them can be controlled.
Copyright 2022-2024 Greg Whitehead